
OCD services offered in Oradell, NJ and New Rochelle and Upper West Side, New York, NY

Today, as many as 3 million American adults have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). At KETA Medical Center in Oradell, New Jersey,  Manhattan in New York City and New Rochelle, New York the area’s leading ketamine experts, led by Haviva Malina, MD, and Cheryl Malina, MD, offer an innovative option for people who don't respond to traditional treatments like medication and psychotherapy. Ketamine can provide near-immediate results, freeing you from debilitating thoughts and behaviors so you can live a life of freedom. Call the office or click the online scheduling tool to set up your consultation now.


What is OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder that causes unreasonable thoughts and worries (obsessions), which can then trigger unhealthy compulsive behaviors (compulsions). 

People with OCD can’t control their thoughts and behaviors around their obsessions and often develop ritualistic behaviors as a result. More than half of people with OCD have severe symptoms that disrupt their daily lives.

What are the symptoms of OCD?

OCD symptoms can vary quite a bit from one person to another because each person has unique obsessions and compulsions. Some common obsessions include:

  • Fear of dirt and germs
  • Wanting objects to look organized and symmetrical
  • Fear of experiencing an outburst and hurting yourself or others
  • Superstitions, like thinking certain objects or routines are lucky or unlucky
  • Hyperfocus on religion or morals 
  • Unwanted sexual thoughts
  • Preoccupation with forgetting to do something and causing harm as a result 

These obsessions can lead to powerful compulsions such as:

  • Repeated hand-washing
  • Counting objects
  • Repeating phrases
  • Rearranging objects to line up perfectly
  • Excessive cleaning
  • Constantly double-checking appliances to make sure they’re off
  • Performing religious rituals frequently due to fear  

Compulsions are a way to try to calm anxiety and alleviate fear or worry. But when you have OCD, carrying out compulsions brings only short-lived relief. OCD is a vicious cycle, but it’s one you can break when you seek treatment. 

What are the treatments available for OCD?

Traditional OCD treatments include prescription medications, like antidepressants and antipsychotics, alongside psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy. Unfortunately, many people don’t respond to those treatment modalities, but ketamine offers another option.

While intravenous Ketamine is off-label for OCD, studies show it can be an effective treatment option, without the debilitating side effects of many traditional medications. This drug works on the brain chemicals involved in anxiety and depression to stimulate the repair of damaged neural connections. 

Essentially, ketamine can help your brain to stop the disruptive thought patterns, so you won’t need to perform compulsive behaviors anymore.

Intravenous (IV) ketamine treatment can be very effective in lifting the anxiety that underlies OCD and in significantly reducing the compulsive behaviors and obsessive thoughts associated with OCD. 

Ketamine takes effect quickly, often within hours, to start relieving the frustrating and intrusive symptoms of OCD. To find out whether this impressive evidence-based treatment is right for you, call KETA Medical Center or use the provided online booking link now.

Ketamine Treatment Indications

Bipolar Disorder
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy
Alcohol Addiction