Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy services offered in Oradell, NJ and New Rochelle and Upper West Side, New York, NY

KETA Medical Center offers Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) as an integrated component of treatment for interested patients.

For many patients, a schedule of Ketamine treatment coordinated with integration sessions with a psychotherapist trained in KAP can bring significant benefits.  

KETA Medical Center has partnered with experienced psychotherapists trained in KAP to offer this modality of treatment, and can also work to coordinate treatments with your own therapist if they are trained to provide KAP.

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Q & A

What to Expect

With Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, Ketamine treatments at our offices will be conducted over several weeks in coordination with a series of integration therapy sessions. 


B E F O R E:

1-3 psychotherapy sessions before the first ketamine treatment.

These sessions will start with an initial intake, an assessment and general education on Ketamine treatment, and will allow you to identify goals and set intentions for your treatment.



The day after each Ketamine treatment, you will meet the psychotherapist for an “integration session” in order to process your experience.  This neuroplastic window is ideal for ‘rewiring the brain’ so the therapy may include exploring memories, reframing narratives and developing new coping strategies.

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy - FAQs


How many sessions are involved?

It depends on whether you are being treated with Ketamine infusions or Spravato. Ketamine assisted psychotherapy usually involves 6 or more Ketamine infusion treatment sessions combined with psychotherapy sessions after each infusion. For Spravato, weekly integration sessions are recommended.


How much does it cost?

If you choose Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, you receive Ketamine therapy at KETA Medical office’s in coordination with psychotherapy before and after each session.  For the Ketamine medical treatments, cost and insurance coverage depends on whether you choose I.V. Ketamine or Nasal Spray Ketamine (Spravato) for treatment.  Nasal Spray Ketamine (Spravato) is typically covered by insurance, while I.V. Ketamine is not covered by insurance plans and is $500 per session. More information can be found on our Insurance Coverage page.  

Fees for psychotherapy are charged separately by our partner psychotherapists, and KETA Medical has negotiated a discounted rate for KETA Medical patients working with our partner psychotherapists.  Please inquire with our office for more information regarding therapy rates.


Where will the treatment and therapy take place?

You will receive Ketamine treatment at our offices, while the therapy sessions are generally done at the psychiatrist's office in person or remotely. 


Can I receive Ketamine Assisted Therapy with my current psychotherapist? 

Yes, KETA Medical can work to coordinate Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy with your own therapist.  Please have your therapist contact our office to discuss. 

Ketamine Treatment Indications

Bipolar Disorder
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy
Alcohol Addiction