
Ketamine services offered in Oradell, NJ and New Rochelle and Upper West Side, New York, NY

Are you suffering from depression and discouraged by the lack of effectiveness of other treatments? Do not lose hope, as Haviva Malina, MD, Cheryl Malina, MD, and the team of experts offer alternative options, including IV Ketamine. In the past decade, researchers have found that Ketamine infusion therapy is helpful for people struggling with Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD) and other mental health disorders and can provide quick relief after administration and for up to months after the initial treatment. Call KETA Medical Center in Oradell, New Jersey, the Upper West Side of Manhattan, or New Rochelle, New York today to see if you are a candidate or request an appointment online today.

Ketamine Q & A

What is Ketamine?

Ketamine has been used as a medication for anesthesia during surgery for decades and has successfully been used over the past ten years as an off-label treatment for depression and other mental health disorders.

How is Ketamine treatment administered?

Ketamine treatment is administered in one of two ways:  

Nasal spray (Spravato): As a nasal spray, which the patient inhales through the nose. This method is becoming more popular as it is easy to administer and has a rapid onset of action.

Intravenous (IV) infusion: A healthcare provider injects a solution of ketamine into a vein in the patient's arm. The infusion usually takes about 40 minutes to an hour, and the patient is monitored throughout the process.

How does IV Ketamine work?

At KETA Medical Center, the patient will undergo comprehensive screening by one of our doctors to determine if Ketamine treatment is appropriate and safe. If so, it will be administered by our team where a doctor and a nurse are always present.

IV Ketamine works by providing medication directly into your bloodstream, where it immediately begins to repair the stress induced damage in your brain's communication system.

Potential side effects from ketamine include dizziness, bad dreams, elevation in blood pressure, perceptual disturbances, confusion, euphoria, increased libido, and nausea. These side effects usually disappear 20 minutes after completion of the infusion, and IV ketamine treatment is generally well tolerated.

IV Ketamine infusion requires specialized monitoring and cannot be given in a typical office setting. The team is committed to ensuring that your treatment experience is safe, comfortable, and stress free.

Am I a good candidate for IV Ketamine?

IV Ketamine treatment may be right for you if you have been diagnosed by a mental health professional as suffering from a major depressive disorder such as Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD). 

This requires having suffered at least one severe depressive episode and then not seeing improvement after treatment with various antidepressants. You may be prescribed Spravato therapy, ketamine, and other oral antidepressants.

IV Ketamine has also shown some benefit in OCD, PTSD, alcohol addiction bipolar or anxiety disorders and has been increasingly used off-label to treat these conditions.

You aren't a good candidate for ketamine treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have a history of uncontrolled hypertension, brain bleeding or aneurysm, raised intracranial or intraocular pressure, schizophrenia, psychosis, or current mania.

Is Ketamine effective for treating depression?

Yes, Ketamine has been shown to be effective in treating depression, particularly in patients who have not responded to other treatments such as antidepressants. Ketamine works by modulating the activity of glutamate, a neurotransmitter in the brain that is involved in depression.

Studies have found that Ketamine can rapidly reduce symptoms of depression, often within hours or days of treatment. This rapid onset of action is a significant advantage over traditional antidepressants, which can take weeks or months to have an effect. Ketamine has also been found to have a sustained effect, with some patients experiencing a reduction in symptoms for several weeks or months after treatment.

While the exact mechanism of action of ketamine in treating depression is not fully understood, it is thought to involve the activation of certain glutamate receptors in the brain that lead to the release of other chemicals that promote the growth of new neural connections. This process, known as neuroplasticity, may help to alleviate symptoms of depression and improve mood.

Is Ketamine effective for treating conditions other than depression?

Yes, other indications for Ketamine treatment include the following:

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Several studies have suggested that ketamine can help reduce the symptoms of PTSD, including anxiety, depression, and flashbacks.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): Some research has shown that ketamine may be effective in reducing the symptoms of OCD, including intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors.

Alcohol addiction: Ketamine has been used in the treatment of alcohol addiction, and there is evidence to suggest that it can reduce drug cravings and improve mood.

Anxiety disorders: Ketamine has been shown to reduce anxiety symptoms in some people with anxiety disorders.

Is intravenous Ketamine treatment covered by insurance?

Ketamine via intravenous infusion is not covered by insurance.  

What should I expect on the day of treatment?

Pre-treatment evaluation: Before the treatment, you will have a pre-treatment evaluation, which may include a physical exam, medical history review, and mental health assessment.

Administration: The treatment will be administered by a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or nurse. The nurse will place an IV and administer the infusion. The doctor will be supervising. 

Monitoring: During the treatment, you will be closely monitored by the healthcare team. They will monitor your vital signs, such as your blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing, and observe you for any potential side effects or adverse reactions.

Post-treatment observation: After the treatment, you will be required to stay for a period of observation to ensure that any potential side effects have subsided and that you are stable to go home. You cannot drive home and will need to arrange either for someone to drive you or you can call an Uber. 

How many treatments do I need for it to start working?

The number of treatments needed for Ketamine to start working can vary depending on the individual and the condition being treated. In general, most studies have used a course of 6 IV Ketamine infusions given over the course of 2-3 weeks, with infusions typically given 2-3 times per week. This dosing schedule has been found to be effective for treating depression and other conditions.

However, it is important to note that the response to Ketamine treatment can vary from person to person, and some individuals may experience a rapid improvement in symptoms after just one or two treatments, while others may require more treatments before seeing a significant improvement. Additionally, some individuals may experience a relapse of symptoms after the initial course of treatment and may require additional infusions to maintain the improvement. Boosters are generally recommended both to treat relapses and to prevent relapses. 

What happens after Ketamine sessions?

After your Ketamine session, the team monitors you in the office as you relax. After the observation period, you can have a loved one drive you home. 

The team recommends resting for the remainder of the day, and you can then resume your regular routine the next day. 

Are you ready to learn how this innovative, evidence-based treatment can relieve your depression? Call KETA Medical Center or click on the online scheduler now.

Schedule a free phone consultation today!

Ketamine Treatment Indications

Bipolar Disorder
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy
Alcohol Addiction