
Ketamine Treatment Indications


Ketamine is uniquely suited to treat depression. Our patients have had success with overcoming long-standing depression, even after trying many other treatment options. Ketamine acts quickly, with results often within hours, as compared to antidepressant medicines which can take weeks to months to work. Even when patients are on traditional medication regimens they often have to trial seemingly endless combinations and dosages and still do not attain relief from their depression. In fact, the majority of patients feel substantially better by the 3rd treatment. Ketamine also does not have the significant or long-lasting side effects that often come with traditional anti-depression medications (e.g., loss of libido, weight gain, insomnia, fatigue, dry mouth, etc.).

doctor with patient


While some level of anxiety is normal, some people are worried all the time about every possible event or situation leading to negative thoughts and feelings. Generalized anxiety is often brought on by stress and trauma and can lead to feelings of panic, heart palpitations, nausea, loss of appetite, or even a fear of dying. In some cases, anxiety can be treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy, lifestyle changes, or medications but very often these interventions are insufficient. Ketamine can be highly effective for patients who suffer from anxiety. The quick onset of ketamine leads to quick relief of symptoms without any of the negative side effects of prescription medications. The infusions help lift the anxious thoughts and worries from the patient and can help energize patients and improve the quality of their lives.


PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) is a condition that can haunt patients for years. Patients such as military vets, sexual abuse survivors, or patients that have endured any other type of childhood or adult trauma can lead to lifelong struggles with the inability to function due to the disabling memories. Conventional therapy has included psychotherapy and oral medicines, but in many cases, symptoms persist. Research has shown that ketamine can be highly effective in treating PTSD. With appropriate Ketamine treatment, PTSD can become a surmountable problem, and improvement can occur in a short time and be long-lasting.

Bipolar Depression

Bipolar depression is a mood disorder characterized by alternating mania and depression. Bipolar 1 is characterized by longer manic phases. Bipolar 2 has hypomanic swings and they are typically less intense than full-blown mania. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that approximately 5.7 million American adults, or 2.8% of the adult population, suffered from bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder can affect anyone at nearly any age or gender. In most cases, the age of onset is in the mid-20s, but it can occur later in life as well. Conventional treatment options for bipolar depression often fail to provide the balance and relief that patients deserve. However, Ketamine therapy is an alternative and effective treatment that works even when traditional medications fail. A low-dose Ketamine regimen is particularly effective for this type of mood disorder.


OCD: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can be a distressing and disabling condition for many patients. Traditional therapies include cognitive behavioral therapy and psychotherapy in addition to prescription medicines. However, these treatment modalities do not work for everyone. Ketamine is an extremely effective treatment option for OCD, without the debilitating side effects of many traditional medications. Ketamine treatment can be very effective in lifting the anxiety that underlies OCD and significantly reducing the compulsive behaviors and obsessive thoughts associated with OCD.